Tuesday, May 29, 2012

City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare: Review

The official synopsis from the book can be found here at Goodreads, but I'm going to give you my own synopsis because the official one is rather long.
Basically what happens, if you've been reading the series you already know that Jace has gone missing (and if this is your first time reading a book in this series I strongly suggest you start from the beginning; not that you can't read this as a standalone, but trust me you will not want to miss the story of these characters from the beginning).  Anyway, Jace has gone missing and so has Sebastian, Clary's half demon brother. The Clave chooses not to focus on finding Jace, so it is up to the original crew to solve this: Clary, Izzy, Alec, Magnus, and Simon.  Clary branches out on her own to help Jace, going into a rather dangerous place to find out information for the others.  That leaves the rest of the crew to figure out how to put a stop to Sebastian's evil plan, and how to separate Jace from the bond Sebastian created with him. There are also little side stories going on in this such as the relationships of Alec, Magnus, Simon, Izzy, and others.

My thoughts on this book were that it was G-R-E-A-T. I gave it 5 stars on Goodreads and I'm giving it 5 stars here, too.  Although it did take me a while to get into it because I didn't do a reread of the last book, I could not put it down.  I mean, first, Cassandra Clare's writing is phenomenal.  It's not easy to write such a great story, with characters so alive that you can feel their emotions, and include twists and turns in there as well. It's not. So, thank you Ms. Clare for writing this masterpiece.  I didn't mind staying up until 3 am to finish it, honest :)

I thought that this book was very balanced between all the characters and their stories.  There was not really a point when I was thinking: "Hurry up already, I want to get back to whatever".  Not to mention the character growth of Clary.  She is really coming into her own as a Shadowhunter, and I am glad to see her on equal ground with Jace rather then needing him to protect her so much. Actually, come to think of it a lot of the characters were showing growth in this book: Alec with his relationship needs, Simon's acceptance of himself, Izzy's desire to open up with her feelings, Maia with her true desires, etc.

There were also a couple of "OMG" moments.  These are a few spoilers, so please, stop now if you do not want to be spoiled.  I mean it.

Do not read on!!!......

Okay, read on if you want to be spoiled, but you were warned.

On that note, good day everyone :)

First Post

This is, in fact, my first blog post ever.  I'm testing out the waters here. I cannot figure out how to move my layout around in a way that is pleasing to myself. Bahhh help!